Since founding SSM in 1998, we have made all manner of experiences. With a great deal of idealism, not only have we survived two phases of economic instability with our social acceptability intact, but we have also enjoyed healthy growth to the benefit of our customers and employees. There are several things at SSM that make us particularly proud – not to mention different.


Our vision resonates

To be honest, our development from a rock & roll business into a respectable service provider for events equipment never followed any particular business plan. But if there is one thing that we quickly realised about SSM, it is that we don’t want to be the really big guys. Rather than being mechanically fixated on price wars to survive, we prefer to be in control of our own destiny and to orient ourselves towards providing quality for our customers. For more than 20 years, our clients have made it more than clear how much they appreciate the way we operate.


Genuinely loyal professionals
The impacts of 11 September 2001 and the financial crisis of 2008 left their mark on us, as they did on the entire world economy. But when things became financially tight, it brought our team even closer together. It was down to the personal dedication of each and every member of our team that we were able to overcome both crises and never forgot our great team spirit. And today we remain grateful to the wonderful people who continue to maintain their faith in us with great sincerity and great expertise, not only for us but also for our customers.  
Our values are convincing
SSM values decency, honesty and community. We have always been a team that treats its members with respect. And this has a positive effect on our motivation, every single day. Our customers are also able to enjoy the values that we practice – decency, honesty and community.

Passionate about quality

Service excellence also means not comprising when it comes to our personnel. We only employ qualified specialists, who are happy to answer any questions you have, whether before, during or after your event.

Landshuter Straße 11

85716 Unterschleißheim

Tel.: 089/312080-0

E-mail: online@ssm.de

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© SSM Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH